2 Izkušnji v jeziku slovenščina za izdelek Fitocose Vitamin C anti-age fluid
22 recenzij kupcev v drugih jezikih
5 Zvezdic | | 31 | (86%) |
4 Zvezdice | | 2 | (5%) |
3 Zvezdice | | 3 | (8%) |
2 Zvezdici | | 0 | (0%) |
1 Zvezdica | | 0 | (0%) |
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Trg Franca Kozarja14A
Ocenjen z 5 od možnih 5 zvezdic.
I was firstly pleasantly surprized about the gentle, lovely smell of this fluid.
Secondly, after just a few days of usage, I did not like it. It felt a little sticky on my face (I thought maybe it's vitamin E).
But now, I got used to it and really enjoy the cream. It's light and clearly it does something for the skin. Yesterday I got irritated by azelaic acid serum, washed it off, applied this fluid (even thought vitamin C is supposed to be a little agressive too) and my skin immediately felt moiusturized, the redness was almost gone and my skin felt beutiful and bright again. I only wish Fitocose told what is the concentration of the vitamin C inside.Vam je bila ta ocena v pomoč? (6) (0)
Ocenjen z 5 od možnih 5 zvezdic.
Za menoj so že štiri uporabe tega fluida in ga redno kupujem, da imam zalogo. Resnično deluje, kožo praktično izboljša, da je vidno bolj napeta in čvrsta, sijoča z zdravim izgledom. Z eno besedo fantastično. Uporabljam ga vsako jutro, čez fluid nato nanesem še dnevno kremo in to je to. Priporočam.
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