Prilagodite svojo nakupovalno izkušnjo
Piškotke in druge tehnologije uporabljamo samo zato, da vam ponudimo prilagojeno nakupovalno izkušnjo z vašim osebnim soglasjem.
Za to zbiramo podatke o naših uporabnikih, njihovem vedenju in napravah. To uporabljamo za stalno optimizacijo naše spletne strani in za prikaz prilagojene vsebine ter za analizo statistike uporabe. Vaše šifrirane podatke lahko tudi primerjamo z zunanjimi ponudniki in vam prikažemo ponudbe prek njihovih spletnih oglaševalskih kanalov, le če njihove storitve že uporabljate sami.
Preden podate soglasje, se pozanimajte v nastavitvah in v naši izjavi o varovanju osebnih podatkov.
A great scrub for oily/combination skin with clogged pores
Ocenjen z 5 od možnih 5 zvezdic.
Burt's Bees is another brand I've had my eye on for a while now, and this seemed like the perfect product for me as I love scrubbing my pores, teehee. The first thing I noticed with this product, as with most things I use, was, of course, the smell! It's definitely very strong and I can definitely smell the peach in there. I like the scent quite a lot, it's a bit unusual, but pleasant. Now on to the product. I would strongly recommend to use this if your skin isn't sensitive. If you have sensitive skin, you can find loads of other, gentler scrubs on Ecco Verde's site. This one is really more suited to people with oily/combination skin like myself, who suffer from enlarged pores. After using it for about two weeks, I can say that it definitely does help get rid of all the gunk in my pores. While they are still enlarged (not much I can do about that), they are definitely cleaner. I have to say that since I've been using this product and the Antipodes mask, my skin has truly been looking good and I am super pleased with it! Just don't expect your pores to disappear when you're using products like this one, because miracles won't happen - but your pores will be way cleaner and you'll get rid of all the buildup caused by makeup and other products.
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